She was looking for compassion in that person
She was looking for some kind of feeling
Feeling for the other person in mind
But all said person did
Did was to treat them worse
Exagerate it all out of proportion
Talking down to them
Not appreciating their unwell condition
Despising them thinking yourself much much better
But you kept going an going in the same direction
All she can say is that its just to be hopes
Hopes that it does not happen to you the very same thing
She did not want to believe
Believe she was once close
Close to someone that could do that kind of stuff
Can it really be such a mean person?
Well we all know that does exist
She is sayin no more
She is sayin no more
Nuff said it speaks for itself but she is not sayin any more than that.
Donde la compasión?
Donde el corazón?
Alguien que trabajaba hasta mas no poder
Y no habías hecho mas que pisarle
Una y otra vez y lo siguiente
Mal alimentao, mal pagao
Eso no puede ser
Me parecia haber vuelto a la edad media
Cuando y oia tal cosa ocurrir
Tratandole con desprecio
Hablandole malamente
Sabias que no podia mas
Pero aún seguias
Aun seguias con tu plan
A ver, a ver que no te toque lo mismo
Que no te paguen con la misma moneda
Que tu le has despachao
Yo no me lo querría creer
Que pueda haber gente tan mezquina
Pues ya se ve que los hay
A la vuelta de la esquina
Y no digo más, y no digo mas.