Thursday 31 August 2023

Only Person That Stood By Her......

 You stood by her
In what was now a stranger´s land
She was not the stranger
But it was the way it was
Whether anyone likes it or not
That´s the way it was
Her next door neighbour
We don´t want you to go
He was very concerned about her
As were the women of the street
But she had to go
She had no other choice
It was either that
Or run the risk
Of going through the same again
So she had to be brave an stand on her own
Back in the land where she had grown
Far from easy
Only woman who stood by her
Took her everywhere needed
Offered her support
When she was too heavy
To even get up
Everything hurt
But she made her laugh
Wiped away her tears
For a moment albeit
Allayed her of the moment fears
You stood by her in that land
Always giving a helping hand
Asking for nothing in return
Both you an her knows who she is
Memory is still there
Love an much much gratitude
In her heart does burn.

Nuff said only person so willing to give an ask for nothin in return love you so

Sunday 27 August 2023

A Miracle No One Got Hurt......Barcelona......

 In Barcelona yesterday was lamentable
All the crazed implication of saving energy
Put many many cyclists at risk
They were forced to race
To race in an enforced darkness
Because of the super torrents of rain
They could hardly see
See where they were going
No safety light of any kind permitted
The enforced hardly any lights of any kind
Was not a nice spectacular to see
Felt really sorry
She felt their anger
She felt their frustration
Very bad start to a cyclist race
That tours the whole of Spain
Thank God no one was badly hurt
Hurt pride was more like it I would say
Having been obliged to race
For the sake of saving energy
They have taken leave of their senses
Goodness me, goodness me.

Nuff said one cyclist said the rain was furious an raging and he felt like he was blind no on had told them anything exact about the time they had all got geared up to race in the daylight
this is Spain, Spain is different no taking into account the safety of the teams all for the sake of well we all know what.
Still gonna watch it though although its only about 20 minutes on public tv.

Saturday 12 August 2023

Ella No Es Traidora... No Lo Es....

 Ella nunca echaría a alguien
Fuera de su casa o puerta
Nunca sería ella traidora
O darte por ahí
Ella no es ninguna Santa
Ni mucho menos
Pero lo que nunca haría es traicionar
No es su estilo
Es su forma de vida
Algunos lo hacen todos los dias
Sin ni siquiera pestañear
Les resbala todo eso
Del amor y compasión
Sus corazones son negros
Como el carbón
Negros como el carbón
Ella no es traidora
No Señora no
No Señora no
Cualquier que me conozca
Te puede decir que es verdad
Nunca te dejaría colgada
Jamás, ya te lo digo yo
Si no te lo crees pués allá tú.

Si hay algo que se me ha quedado
Toda mi vida
A pesar de todo
A pesar de todo
Es que la memoria de algo
Ella en esa casa tan vieja
Un día estaba tendiendo la ropa
En aquella habitación
Mas alejada de la puerta
Y no podia oir por el ruido de fuera
Si alguien llamaba a la puerta misma
Asi que élla  tendia la ropa
En aquella cuerda muy floja
No tenía otra cosa
Cuando no respondía enseguida
Empezarón a golpear la puerta
Con mucha fuerza
Golpearón la puerta hasta casi tirar
Entonces élla se enteró
Y fué corriendo un poco asustada
Un poco preocupada
Y abrumada, muy abrumada
Por la preocupación
Que me demostraba
A ver si yo estaba bien
A ver si yo estaba bien
A pesar de todo
Esa demostraciòn de consternación
Se quedó con élla toda la vida
A pesar de todo
A pesar de todo le queda ésa memoria
Lo tiene guardado secretamente en su corazón.

Friday 11 August 2023

How You Used To Sing......As A Child....

 As a small child
Being either on a bus
Or a train of that time
This is how you would sing
Fandango a Spanish way of singing flamenco
It has many deep historical roots to it
You would sing them with your heart
You would sing them with your soul
You would give it your whole
People around you clapped like crazy
They wanted more more of your voice
It made you happy to be that way
Your voice was that of a child
Seeking its expression
In a very special way..

Jorge Goñi Malo Aizoain.