Tuesday 28 November 2023

Got My Own Back Very Nicely Some Just Don´t Know .......

 Truly she had not planned it
She had not planned it at all
Just suddenly thought of it
Puttin a whole load of work away
She sat in that class
It would be her very last one there
Most of the work she had done right
She had thrown a red herring or two
Grinning from ear to ear
She hid her face in the book

Wait for it I can see it comin she thought
Correctin the work was the ever serious perfecionist
He had got to the bottom of the page
Suddenly she saw "smoke" comin out of his ears
An through the top of his head (yed)
By this time she was laffin inside so much
She concentrated on that page instead
He could not keep her after class
At last she had got her own back
Twas her last day in that place
Sad to leave her mates
Not sorry to leave him
See you later some time never
She thought as she flung up her arms in glee
Goodbye to those times smudg.......
I am not sorry to leave thee.

Nuff said unknown to most I can be very mischevious lol an I played the cards with an ace an got my own back very nicely of course lol. Roftl.

No lo había planeao
No lo teniá pensao así
Pero, pero todos esas veces
Que nos habias hecho pasar
Pasar las canutas
Haciendonos contar hasta diez
Como si fuesemos unos tontos
En fin, tu no tenias fin
Tu condenao perfeccionismo
Nos tenía fritas ya
Sobre todo a las chicas
Nos tratabas muy mal
Como unas descerebradas
Pués te cuento que el último día de clase
Hice todo bién menos dos sumas
Las hice mal a propósito
Le entregué todo y esperé
Esperé la reacción
No tardaba en llegar
Doblado de risa yo
Me escondía la cara en el libro
No me podías detener para na
Era mi último día en esa clase
Yippee, le vi la cara roja de ira
No estoy bromeando
Me miraba directamente
Y pensaba la venganza
Se sirve en un plato muy frío
Asi que ta ta para siempre y hasta nunca gili....
Lo disfruté ese momento y muchas veces más
Joer tener que aguantar a un pesao
Un pesao como ese no lo podeis saber lo que era
Hasta luegi Sr. Smudge como puedes ver
No te guardo rencor mas que guardo mi sonrisa
Mi sonrisa de satisfacción de habertela jugao.xxx


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