Friday 10 November 2023

Tryin To Get A Message To You

To heal that wound
To heal that wound
She crossed her hands and and
She palmed the back of the legs
She held them there with love
To release the heartache
From the deepest layers of the skin
Slowly, slowly gently
The wound began to heal
Never to come back again ever
It increased thricefold his immunity
He was able to let go
He surrendered into love
He surrendered into love
And it was done
And it was done.

Nuff said this hold of holding the back of the legs is to work on all deep skin conditions nuff said this is a nudge to someone who lives very far away from me much love

jin shin jyutsu, palming the calves of the legs, boost immunity system,
release heartache, adelaide, australia,

Se sanó esa herida
Se sanó la herida de corazón
La herida que tenía en la pierna se cerró
Ella cruzo sus propias manos
Palmando la parte trasera de sus piernas
Manteniendo la actitúd de amor
El podía relajar y suspender el odio
El sumergió en ese oceano de amor
Que élla le tenía
Que élla le tenía
Y así era y así era amen y amen y amen.

PS:To palm the back of the legs with your hands crossed over and holding the back of the calves of the legs with your inside palm of your hands.
It works at a deep deep skin level an its used to heal burns quicker also.
Sorry I have not got a photo or image of that hold however it is as it is.
Hope this helps someone out there its my main priority.
Much love.


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