Sunday 31 December 2023

A West Midlands Tradition an My New Year Meditation.....

 She sat by the big bay window
No fire to give her warmth
So okay she put on extra clothing
A blanket to keep her warm
All dark outside
She had a mere light on
No one wanted to celebrate
There was a total apathy
A total indifference
She thought well that´s them
But its not me
All of her life she has been different
Not taking the same attitude
Perhaps its the love of the magic
Magic she was able to feel
A tall dark stranger crossing the threshold of your door
With coal dust on his face
A glass of Port to welcome him with
She pictured all of that
Of course it actually did not happen
For her in that moment it did
She romanced the idea every year
She would sit up late till gone
Gone twelve o´clock to let in another New Year

Nuff said the tradition in the West Midlands was for somebody to knock on your front or back door with coal dust on their face had to be a man though.
Everyone has their own version though of course.
She meaning me would sip at a glass of Port an a Mince Pie or bit of Christmas Cake You have to be able to feel the magic of it or at least

Un Señor alto Minero del Carbón
Tenía que supuestamente cruzar tu puerta
La puerta de tu casa
Cada año élla imaginaba que fuera así
Un tío alto y oscuro de cara
Cruzaba su Puerta
Y ella le daba de comer
De comer y beber un vasito de Port
Eso es un licor o un tipo de vino
Yo que que sé
Pero es lo que élla imaginaba
Mientras los dormian
Mientras los demás dormian
Nadie querria celebrar
Una apatía total
Les invadía
Unas desganas que para que
Bueno yo sufría igual que los demas
Pero eso no quitaba
Que yo solita
Soltaba mi imaginación
Un hombre de cara oscuro
Eventualmente cruzó mi corazón.

Feliz Año Nuevo a todos y cada

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