Friday 8 December 2023

Becoming Stronger........

 She had to be upfront
On the 4th to the 8th
During those days
She had to be strong
Very strong left on her own
On her own to cope
But then she realized
It was only then
All the truth about somethings
Were revealed to her
Everything unravelled right in front of her eyes
She saw things around her
In their true colours
Their very masks exposed
It was not nice
It was not nice.

When I mention about masks I am NOT talking about "those masks" as it happened three years before that even started.
I am talking about the Maskerade, the masks people wear an have when they are with certain other people as they don´t want to show their true colours to the said person an how they might feel towards them for good or for bad.
It can go either way of course in my case it was not for good.
But however when their masks came off I saw how things really were and was able to work on it an to say that it does not hurt would be a lie I can tell you.
All of us retain some kind of innocence about others all their life an in my case that was so as well.
No hate involved here but she was made to be more wary of them an protect herself more.
I saw something similar happen to my own Mom but it was too late for her to do anything about it right then.
The personal situation I am NOT going to talk about an never will either its between me an another an the brick wall.
Much love

This what I talk about is about me in a certain situation when you discover how others feel an think about you its nothing to do with anythin else except me.
Masks to me are nothing more than fachades, falseness that is what I really mean to say being two faced you can call it as well.
Nothing to do with parents or children or all that other kind of stuff.

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