Sunday 17 December 2023

"The Cowboy Carol" We Sang It Ages Ago Now......


Does not want to tag
Does not want to "snag"
Snag or tag anyone in her words
All she can remember
Remembers Christmas Nativity
Going to the Civic Hall to sing Carols
Singing in the School Choir Carols
One in particular sticks in her head
Its "The Cowboy Carol"
Does not know how that came about
But she likes it an still sings it now
I can appreciate that some might not
Might not really consider it a Carol
Okay its a song but a really nice one
If "you get the meaning of it" thing
I don´t have not one single school photo
Not one single school photo of me
To prove that I was there
Singing in that Choir
Singing in those Choirs
Maybe the photos "vanished" for a reason
So I put the nearest I can get to it
"The Cowboy Carol" is very singable
Great memories of how we were all in the same soup
Singing that song or carol
Its kind of gets you in a loop

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