Sunday 17 December 2023

"The Cowboy Carol" We Sang It Ages Ago Now......


Does not want to tag
Does not want to "snag"
Snag or tag anyone in her words
All she can remember
Remembers Christmas Nativity
Going to the Civic Hall to sing Carols
Singing in the School Choir Carols
One in particular sticks in her head
Its "The Cowboy Carol"
Does not know how that came about
But she likes it an still sings it now
I can appreciate that some might not
Might not really consider it a Carol
Okay its a song but a really nice one
If "you get the meaning of it" thing
I don´t have not one single school photo
Not one single school photo of me
To prove that I was there
Singing in that Choir
Singing in those Choirs
Maybe the photos "vanished" for a reason
So I put the nearest I can get to it
"The Cowboy Carol" is very singable
Great memories of how we were all in the same soup
Singing that song or carol
Its kind of gets you in a loop

Friday 8 December 2023

Becoming Stronger........

 She had to be upfront
On the 4th to the 8th
During those days
She had to be strong
Very strong left on her own
On her own to cope
But then she realized
It was only then
All the truth about somethings
Were revealed to her
Everything unravelled right in front of her eyes
She saw things around her
In their true colours
Their very masks exposed
It was not nice
It was not nice.

When I mention about masks I am NOT talking about "those masks" as it happened three years before that even started.
I am talking about the Maskerade, the masks people wear an have when they are with certain other people as they don´t want to show their true colours to the said person an how they might feel towards them for good or for bad.
It can go either way of course in my case it was not for good.
But however when their masks came off I saw how things really were and was able to work on it an to say that it does not hurt would be a lie I can tell you.
All of us retain some kind of innocence about others all their life an in my case that was so as well.
No hate involved here but she was made to be more wary of them an protect herself more.
I saw something similar happen to my own Mom but it was too late for her to do anything about it right then.
The personal situation I am NOT going to talk about an never will either its between me an another an the brick wall.
Much love

This what I talk about is about me in a certain situation when you discover how others feel an think about you its nothing to do with anythin else except me.
Masks to me are nothing more than fachades, falseness that is what I really mean to say being two faced you can call it as well.
Nothing to do with parents or children or all that other kind of stuff.

Monday 4 December 2023

No Room For HIm????

 Pea soup fog
So dreadfully cold
Icy cold that got into you
Swirling pea soup fog
She was alone with her grief
No one wanted to be her handkerchief
Her two twin boys had gone to heaven
She was sort of watchin a film
Called "Tell Me My Name",
The door bell rang
We had no car right then
You came back all the way from Spain
Frozen to the bone
With those beautiful eyes
You asked me "can I come in"?
Question that got me right there
Right there in the heart
A course you can come in
Why do you think I would not let you in?
Well we both knew the answer to that one
We were not livin in a place of our own
So that´s why he asked
Sort of in a dubious way
Winter cold left me
My heart started to warm again an again
We both left a year later
Fed up with the never ending terms an conditions
We both came back to Spain.

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Very Tough Times For Women......Nuff said.....

In those times it was very very tough
To live in those times
To live where she lived
Restricted, restrained by society itself
It was the way it was
Yet her very vivid imagination
Set her free
She would walk on the bleak an dark green moors
Half frozen already before even going out of the door
Seeking the way to express
Way to express her need to write
Her need to get it out there somewhere
Her deep running passions
Of love, freedom and congeniality
Learning to read and to write
Was something for most people way of sight
That was another thing that drove her
One day she sat wrote an wrote
A novel yet in all truth
It was the very truth
The very truth of how they had to live
She managed to very cleverly
Very cleverly between the lines
Her story of how she had to live those times
Buckets of courage to dare to write it
Charlotte Bronte was her name
Charlotte Bronte was her name.

Charlotte Bronte una mujer
Que vivía en una sociedad reprimida
Anclado en tiempos ya muy pasaos
Parecían tiempos como medievales
Para las mujeres que amaban la libertad
Fué muy dificil expresar
Expresar sus ganas de volar
De volar solas
Quitarse las cadenas
Quitarse las cadenas de mucha hipocresia
Un día escribió quizá el único libro
Que tuvo mucho exito entre todas las mujeres
Las mujeres de esos tiempos
Si os podeis reir pero una mujer
Entonces no podía irse sola a ningún sitio
Ni siquiera a la Libreria
Lo escribió en primera persona
Su novela "Jane Eyre" expresaba muy
Pero requete muy bién
Lo que tuvieron que vivir
Ese libro una expresión una protesta
Su protesta personal
De lo que tuvo que pasar
Pero ojo te cuento
Te cuento que esa misma sociedad
En el fondo sigue existiendo
Ahí está siempre en el fondo
Las restricciones ahí estan todavia
Yo solo digo lo que he leido
No hace falta ser de ése pais
Para entender, las restricciones
Siguen y persisten a pesar del tiempo transcurrido
Una novelista pionera que se atrevió
Hablar por la gran mayoria de las mujeres
De esos tiempos y todavia sigue hablando
Y todavía sigue habiendo.

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Got My Own Back Very Nicely Some Just Don´t Know .......

 Truly she had not planned it
She had not planned it at all
Just suddenly thought of it
Puttin a whole load of work away
She sat in that class
It would be her very last one there
Most of the work she had done right
She had thrown a red herring or two
Grinning from ear to ear
She hid her face in the book

Wait for it I can see it comin she thought
Correctin the work was the ever serious perfecionist
He had got to the bottom of the page
Suddenly she saw "smoke" comin out of his ears
An through the top of his head (yed)
By this time she was laffin inside so much
She concentrated on that page instead
He could not keep her after class
At last she had got her own back
Twas her last day in that place
Sad to leave her mates
Not sorry to leave him
See you later some time never
She thought as she flung up her arms in glee
Goodbye to those times smudg.......
I am not sorry to leave thee.

Nuff said unknown to most I can be very mischevious lol an I played the cards with an ace an got my own back very nicely of course lol. Roftl.

No lo había planeao
No lo teniá pensao así
Pero, pero todos esas veces
Que nos habias hecho pasar
Pasar las canutas
Haciendonos contar hasta diez
Como si fuesemos unos tontos
En fin, tu no tenias fin
Tu condenao perfeccionismo
Nos tenía fritas ya
Sobre todo a las chicas
Nos tratabas muy mal
Como unas descerebradas
Pués te cuento que el último día de clase
Hice todo bién menos dos sumas
Las hice mal a propósito
Le entregué todo y esperé
Esperé la reacción
No tardaba en llegar
Doblado de risa yo
Me escondía la cara en el libro
No me podías detener para na
Era mi último día en esa clase
Yippee, le vi la cara roja de ira
No estoy bromeando
Me miraba directamente
Y pensaba la venganza
Se sirve en un plato muy frío
Asi que ta ta para siempre y hasta nunca gili....
Lo disfruté ese momento y muchas veces más
Joer tener que aguantar a un pesao
Un pesao como ese no lo podeis saber lo que era
Hasta luegi Sr. Smudge como puedes ver
No te guardo rencor mas que guardo mi sonrisa
Mi sonrisa de satisfacción de habertela


Sunday 26 November 2023

We Are Made Of Strong Stuff..... Yes We Are Indeed.....

Sometimes others here think
Think that I joke about the times
When we were on food rations
On food rations for somethings
Even though the war had finished
For twelve years we had privations
Of all kinds
But we grew strong
We survived all the illness
All the illness thrown at us
With not very healthy food
We got through it roughly an toughly
But we made it an came out stronger
I still have the memory of going to Post Office
With the food stamps rations an all that jargon
A lot of people in the same situation
With their almost worn out ration food books
Anyway in spite of everything
We made it an got back on track
Us West Midlanders are strong stuff
We are made of strong stuff.


Saturday 18 November 2023

Too Far Fetched?

Although possibilities seemed very far fetched
At that time things just were not going to be
More than a smirk she received
When they saw that little by little
It all fell into place
Two pieces of the jigsaw
Two pieces that were missing filled that empty space
Not right away
Things were difficult
Very difficult for them both
They both carried on their backs
A lot of responsibility
He wrote to her
In words she could not understand
But the feeling yes
He said you are my calm
You are my peace
You are my balm
I will always keep an protect you from harm.